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2022-12-24 09:46:50
记得好象是places of interests 我去看很多名胜古迹 用英文怎么说 i go and see many places of interest 周游世界的英语作文:1.观赏名胜古迹2.交友3.获取信息和知识4.你的理由及实现梦...
2022-07-24 15:11:38
cis(司肖)是英文corporate identity system的缩写,简称ci。意思是“企业的统一化系统”,“企业的自我同一化系统”,“企业识别系统”。司肖理论把企业形象作为一个整体进行建设和发展,是企业的识别系统。一个好的“司肖”...
2022-04-02 22:57:09
chéngdū (chinese: 成都), formerly transliterated as chengtu, is the capital of sichuan province, of southwest china, maint...
2022-03-21 09:29:23
成都地铁的英语作文不足之处:disadvantages 目前仅开通2条线,服务范围还很有限; at present only two lines are opened which lead the scope of service are...
2022-03-12 11:21:45
以下是关于四川的英语介绍: sichuan, called chuan or shu for short, is one of the 23 provinces in china, with the provincial capital c...
2022-02-25 13:53:05
1、饺子(jiaozi 现在称dumpling?)2、白切鸡(the soft-boiled chicken)3、酱板鸭(spicy salted duck)4、刀削面(sliced noodles)5、重庆酸辣粉(chongqingsua...
2022-02-21 01:42:03
with the increasing of the living standard,more and more people own a car.it's true that a car can do us good.we can dri...
2022-02-20 23:53:14
chengdu is located at the western edge of the sichuan basin and sits on the chengdu plain; the dominating terrain is pla...
2022-02-16 06:06:00
sichuan is located in the upper yangtze valley in the southwestern part of the country.the second largest of the chinese...
2022-02-16 05:52:48
day lily黄花菜俗称金针菜,学名萱草,古名忘忧。xdict解释:欧亚大陆的一种百合科萱草属 多年生草本植物,通常有似草的叶子,而且开有黄色、桔黄色或淡紫色似百合的花 也作 hemerocallis...