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国内除了三亚还有什么海边好玩的地方吗(国内除了三亚还有什么海边好玩的地方吗英文) -凯发网站

zhao_admin3周前 (10-18)旅游攻略4

1. 国内除了三亚还有什么海边好玩的地方吗英文

hainan was named zhuya, qiongzhou and qiongya at various ancient times. in yuan dynasty, emperor hanwu (110 bc) started to set the zhuya and dan'er prefectures on the island. the administration was changed hereafter. in the end of tang dynasty, the qiongzhoufu was

2. 三亚的海滩很漂亮英语

wellcome to sanya(欢迎来到三亚)i like the temperature here(我喜欢这里的温度)

i love the beach(我喜欢这儿的沙滩)

here is the four seasons(这里四季宜人)

finally,i like coconut juice(我喜欢椰子汁)

3. 三亚有什么好玩的地方英语

hai kou city is the capital of hainan province while it is also the biggest city on the island.the weather there is pretty pleasant.you could either go visit the flower markets or enjoy the delicious seafood. 翻译:海口市是海南省省会,也是海南岛最大的城市。


4. 海边除了三亚还有哪里好玩

海边吹着海风,赤脚踩着沙滩, 躺在遮阳伞下面, 带上墨镜,欣赏泳装美女……想起来多美好的画面……???。海边从北方的大连丹东,烟台威海,青岛日照,舟山普陀,象山霞浦,厦门北海……应该都可以就近到海边度假……惬意……。图中照片是这次大连度假拍的……

5. 三亚非常好玩的英语

hello,everyone. welcome to sanya in hainan island.

sanya is famous for its beautiful beaches, and it is one of the most beautiful areas in hainan island. the weather is warm and you can swim in the sea.

everyyear, many tourists go there to have a sightseeing. sanya is a city that most suitable for self-service travel in china, and it's also a place that be favored by the nature. there have most comfortable weather, fresh air,blue sky,soft sand and hospitable minority. you can also taste delicious seafood

when you come to sanya, you will be attracted by its wide sea, you can enjoy yourself and explore the world in the depth of sea or you can lie on the sand to hear the sound of ocean wave sliently. let the sun kiss your skin.

there are also have many dilicious fruit. such as coconut. it can make you feel happy when you taste it. and it's very sweet.

so, when you're free. sanya is a good place to travel.

6. 三亚有许多美丽的海滩的英文



7. 国内除了三亚还有什么海边好玩的地方吗英文怎么说


8. 除三亚外海南还有哪些地方好玩的?










9. 三亚有大海和沙滩的英文

sanya, a seaside tropical city, locates in the hainan province. it's well known for it's beautiful coast, soft sand and hot girls who wear very little. the city is quite a resource of tourism. every year thousands of millions of people from all over china and even all over the world come here to enjoy the beauty of sanya. have you ever been there? if not, please pay attention if you are wondering where to go for your long-anticipating holiday. sanya will give you quite a nice surprise there.









